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Would you like to digitalize a critical process in your organization, but you lack resources to create prototype?
Get in touch with us. Submit your ideas, the most innovative idea will be selected and will win a free Proof of Concept!

Submit your ideas!

As proud Mendix partner we want to encourage organizations to start their digitalization journey and experience the power of Low Code..

Mendixis the fastest and easiest platform to design, build, deploy and manage enterprise applications at scale

Mendix’ Low-code platform offers visual approach to application development that optimizes the entire development process to accelerate delivery.

Developers can deliver multi-experiences across various channels with a common design language and native mobile capabilities.

Successfully create and deploy applications fast in addition to incorporating new technologies rapidly.

Build apps 10x faster
with 70% fewer resources

Unlock and extend
your data and systems

Create engaging experiences 

Unleash Domain Experts,
while IT stays in control

Leverage your entire workforce for software development

Proven execution at any scale


Get inspired by what others did around the world with Mendix,
look at Mendix Success Stories

Submit POC

Your application idea*

Tell us more about the app you would like to get build!


On which device the app should work?

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